
The Power of Video Marketing: Top Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

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The Power of Video Marketing: Top Statistics Every Marketer Should Know

The digital age has transformed the way businesses interact with their audiences. Among the most impactful changes is the rise of video content, now a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies. For those yet to be convinced, or for those looking to reaffirm their video marketing commitment, here are the compelling statistics every marketer should be aware of.

The Insatiable Appetite for Video Content
With 85% of all US internet users consistently watching online video content monthly (Statista, 2018), it’s clear that video is a favored medium.
The demand for video isn’t waning, with 54% of consumers expressing a desire to see even more video content from their favorite brands and businesses (HubSpot, 2020).
The mobile realm has also embraced video, with consumption on mobile devices growing 100% annually (Insivia).
Video’s Profound Business Impact
Wondering about ROI? Landing pages featuring video can surge conversion rates by up to 80% (Unbounce).
Those leveraging videos in their marketing toolkit experience 27% higher click-through rates and 34% higher conversion rates. This probably explains why a whopping 87% of marketing professionals incorporate video into their strategies (Wyzowl).
Video’s Magnetic Engagement Power
Websites with video content captivate their visitors, with users spending 2.6x more time on these pages compared to video-less ones (Wistia).
Videos aren’t just for views—they drive action, attracting 300% more traffic and nurturing leads effectively (MarketingSherpa).
Social media platforms see videos shared a staggering 1200% more than links and text combined (Wordstream).
The Role of Video in Purchasing Decisions
Video content dramatically influences buying behavior, with 90% of customers claiming videos assist them in their purchasing decisions (Forbes).
The influence of video goes beyond just information; it encourages action. About 64% of customers say they’re more likely to buy a product online after watching a related video (HubSpot).
Video and SEO: A Match Made in Digital Heaven
If you’re looking to boost organic search results, video content is your ally—being 50 times more likely to achieve this feat (Omnicore).
A landing page with video has a 53% greater chance of gracing Google’s first page (Mist Media). This power-packed combination of video and SEO amplifies organic search traffic by 157% on websites (ConversionXL).
Peeking into the Future
Future projections suggest an unstoppable rise for video content. By 2022, online videos are predicted to constitute over 82% of all consumer internet traffic, a 15-fold increase from 2017 (Cisco).
Effective Video Strategies
Attention spans may be dwindling, but 68% of viewers will watch a video to the end if it’s under a minute (Wistia).
As for the type of video content, explainers, product demos, and how-to videos lead the pack. A resounding 96% of consumers find such explainer videos beneficial when making online purchasing decisions (HubSpot).
In Conclusion
The numbers speak for themselves. In an era where digital content can make or break a brand’s success, video emerges as a potent tool. Marketers looking to engage, convert, and build lasting relationships with their audience can no longer afford to overlook the immense power of video marketing. Whether you’re a startup trying to make a mark or an established brand aiming to maintain its edge, it’s time to harness video’s unparalleled potential.


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