Review Removal Service

We offer a guaranteed removal of reviews before we invoice you for payment or collect any fee from you.

We are aware that many reviews are false or fake, defamatory, untrue and written anonymously, posted by competitors, or are not a first-hand experience.  When such reviews are violative of a platform’s Terms and Conditions, our expert removal team works to have such reviews removed by the hosting platform.



We guarantee that you will not be charged or invoiced until or unless the violating review is removed.



Although we are proud of our success, we can’t assure or guarantee that every violating review can be taken down. As much as we’d like to, we can’t guarantee removals of all such negative reviews. A percentage sometimes can’t, so we don’t expect you to pay for something until or unless it’s achieved.  

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Discover How to Leverage Customer Feedback to Grow Your Business

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You Only Pay for Those

Your Online Reviews Are Important

People read online reviews for Local Businesses
0 %
People say an online review has convinced them to avoid a business.
0 %
People read a businesses’ responses to online reviews
0 %

Your Online Reviews Are Important

Our expert removal team immediately commences the removal process as soon as your agreement is signed. The removal of a review that violates terms and conditions may only take a day or two or it can sometimes take several weeks… even years! Sometimes, unfortunately, it doesn’t happen at all. We are relentless in our efforts and our team only utilizes legitimate techniques and strategies. We do not hack or bribe. Despite our great success rate, the time it takes to remove a review can vary, depending on such things as the platform where the review is posted, the nature of the review, and its content.

Your businesses’ online review rating can mean the difference between extra or lost profits, even the success or failure of your business. As many businesses have discovered it can be extremely difficult and almost impossible to remove an online review from ratings platforms, such as Google, Glassdoor, Yelp, AVVO, HealthGrades, RealSelf, and so many others.

Businesses and the public have come to realize that attempting to remove false Google reviews, or removing similar reviews from other platforms on their own can be extremely time consuming, frustratingly difficult, and at times, almost impossible.


Because of Google’s great dominance, its incredible success, and the online search positioning it controls, the question of how to remove Google reviews is our most requested service.  We are the experts in having Google remove reviews that violate their terms and conditions.


For us, it’s not just how to remove false and fake reviews on Google. It is also how to delete similar false negative reviews that violate terms and conditions that appear on other platforms, such as on TripAdvisor, Vitals, Avvo, RateMds, Glassdoor, Indeed, Healthgrades, Justia, Lawyers.com, and numerous others.


How to remove violating negative reviews from Glassdoor from a disgruntled former employee may be as important to one business as how to remove a false negative TripAdvisor review may be to another as is how to remove a fake bad Google review is to yet another.

You Only Pay for Those


The Effect of Bad Reviews on Your Reputation

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