How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand in the Attention Economy

How do you break through the noisy attention economy and get the right people to take notice? Seize the initiative. In today’s world, in which worldwide distribution of content across the internet is largely free, the biggest personal brands are being built by going directly to the people. That’s as true for artists breaking through […]

The Best Interview Question and Answer

Lots of articles teach interviewees how to manage an interview, what questions the interviewee can expect, and the glib answer that is supposed to show off the interviewee in the best light. One of the problems with the interview process is that, indeed, these questions are the ones prospective employers are asking and interviewees are […]

High Court Declines To Hear Facebook Sex Trafficking Case

Although the Supreme Court on Monday passed on hearing the case of a woman who accuses Facebook of facilitating and benefiting from child sex trafficking, Justice Clarence Thomas said that the immunity afforded to online platforms should be revisited under the right circumstances. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a case […]

7th Circuit Upholds $20 Million Verdict Against Ethicon in Pelvic Mesh Case

Casting aside Ethicon’s “broad-spectrum attack on the judgment,” the 7th US Circuit Court upheld a $20 million verdict to a woman who was permanently injured by the company’s Prolift pelvic mesh device. Ethicon appealed in Barbara Kaiser v. Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon, Inc., No. 18-2944. An Indiana state jury had awarded $35 million to […]

Attacking and Lying, Johnson & Johnson is Battered by Talcum Powder – Cancer Litigation

Ten years into the nationwide litigation over talcum powder, Johnson & Johnson is bleeding billions of dollars in settlements, legal fees, jury verdicts, and stock valuation. The company faces 15,299 cases nationwide in federal court, but all of the action so far has been in state courts. The U.S. Justice Department started a criminal investigation […]

How Johnson & Johnson Hid Asbestos In J&J Baby Powder Products For Over 40 Years

Among the recent documents unsealed in court indicates that in May 1974, an official at Johnson & Johnson’s Windsor mine in Vermont recommended “the use of citric acid in the depression of chrysotile asbestos” from talc extracted from the site. “The use of these systems is strongly urged by this writer to provide protection against […]

How To Know if a Client is Suffering

The breadth of legal advice we offer clients varies enormously among the many subfields of law. If we’re retained to represent a family in its purchase of a house, whatever we might see or intuit about the family’s dynamics is beside the point. We are present to advise on the real estate transaction, period. But […]

30 Day Business Development Plan During the COVID Crisis

Assuming you’re not a corporate restructuring business owner, you may have a bit of extra time on your hands in the weeks, or perhaps months, to come as the economy continues to hibernate. You’ve likely heard mixed messages about whether you should be engaging in business development activities during this global pandemic. My take is […]

Top 5 Tips: Taking Depositions in a Post-Pandemic World

While much of the world stopped last year, depositions didn’t. Cases forged ahead and business owner scrambled to establish new ways of taking depositions and handling proceedings that, for decades, had been routine. As we emerge out of the pandemic, many of the pivots intended as bandages for uncertain times will become permanent changes to […]

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